12 weeks along and I have nothing new to share! Everything is pretty much status quo. My health/lack of symptoms remains the same, except I am definitely beginning to show in my *stage whispers* girl parts. I can actually see my uterus, or what I assume is my uterus because that part right below your belly, at your pubic bone level? It now pops out into a neat little bump. Which I realized was a problem last night when I attempted to try on bathing suits for our weekend trip. The bathing suit I got last September? The bottom no longer fits. Well, it does, in some sort of grotesque “how much skin do you want to be showing” way. Boo.
I guess that’s the big news for the week – we’re going away this weekend. We’ll be doing some shopping while we’re away and I’m going to try my luck at finding a deal on maternity jeans. I don’t think I need them yet, but if I can get them for a good price it might be worth the investment. I’m also getting my long awaited and promised Kate Spade Baby Bag. I know. I’m a brand whore. But I love those bags and wanted one long before I was pregnant. Except, it would look weird to carry around a baby bag without a baby.
Also – I scheduled my bloodwork for next Wednesday. I have to fast for 12 hours before the test, so I tried to be smart and make it as early as I possibly could (that way I could sleep for most of the 12 hours). Except I am now realizing that means no food for me after 7:45pm the night before. And no breakfast either. Honestly, I have some severe difficulty going for 2 hours without eating. This might be the hardest part of the pregnancy so far.
In other news, now that we’ve started telling people I’m starting to chicken out and get cold feet. It has nothing to do with superstition, or having to untell people. But for some reason I get really nervous about telling anyone. Like it makes me a giant attention whore, or like they’re going to be weird about the whole thing. And don’t even get me started about having to tell my boss! I’m at the point where I’d rather not tell anyone anything, but I think that’s going to make things really awkward in a couple months when there’s more than just a little bump at pelvic level. Although it could be fun to see how uncomfortable people get, wondering if I’m pregnant or just really letting myself go. “Oh that Fraglette, she used to be such a cute thing – have you seen how fat she’s getting?” “Well of course! Haven’t you noticed she eats like every 2 hours?”