Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 3


First Real Bath
We were worried about giving Muppet his first real bath hearing that sometimes it can be a baby's least favorite thing.  But it seems like we must have a little Water Baby on our hands because he loves it!
Love might be the wrong word, but he tolerates it nicely without so much as a peep so we've incorporated it into our nightly routine.  Most nights it's just water, but every few nights we work some soap in there.


 H came over with her son for Muppet's first playdate.  S is a little over 2 months older than Muppet - but look how big he is!  He started out a little munchkin, about a pound lighter than Muppet when Muppet was born.  And now he's a giant baby!

The two didn't interact too much, but frankly Muppet is just now working on focusing on things other than our faces, so it's not too surprising.  I'm certain they'll be besties in no time.

Return to Running
Less about Muppet, but this week also marked my return to the road.  It's been hard not running and I've been waiting a bit, but 3 weeks sounded like a good time to get back into it.  And so the day Muppet turned 3 weeks old I left him with J and headed out for a nice and easy 2 mile run.  Just to test the waters.  It ended up being a lovely run and I was faster than I anticipated.  

My plan is to keep up the 2 miles every other day for the next week and then up it to 3 miles once I get that under my belt and make sure everything is okay with this new addition.

Adjusting at Home
 I think we hit the two week growth spurt, which meant very little sleeping for any of us, especially Muppet.

It's just part of having a newborn.  Those days we spent basically camped on the couch trying to sleep as possible.  It was nice having my mom near enough to run over treats like frozen yogurt for an afternoon pick me up.

We did manage to get out a couple times, including a trip to the mall so I could get fitted for a nursing bra.  Because holy hannah did those puppies grow!  Which was obviously necessary to keep up with Muppet's eating habits.  Other than that, breastfeeding has been going unbelievably well.  Better than I thought it would.  He latches like a champ and I haven't had any nipple soreness, cracks, peeling, or bleeding.  And he's gaining weight as he should be.  Or at least it seems like he is.  We'll know more for sure at his next appointment.

Next Appointment: Thursday, November 3
Sleep: The first night we let Muppet sleep without waking it took him forever to get to sleep.  We started putting him down at 10, but he didn't go down till midnight.  However, at that point he slept till 6:30.  We got a little too excited as he spent the next couple of nights taking forever to go to sleep and waking up every 2 hours.  3 week growth spurt?  We decided to start a "sleep routine" which has definitely helped.  Sometime between 5 and 7 when he's ready for "dinner" I feed him.  Then we give him a "bath" (most nights just warm water, no soap).  Then we read him a bedtime story and "cuddle him to sleep."  This has resulted him getting to bed at a reasonable hour - even if he is still getting up every 2 hours for eating.  At least he goes right back to bed after a feed and I get in a couple hours before he wakes up for his first night meal.
Best moment this week:   Seeing our little guy with the big little guy and thinking how one day he'll be that big too!
*Muppet is attempting to focus on other things.  He stares at spots on the wall, his art cards, and the toys on his gym mat.

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