Wednesday, November 2, 2011

1 month!


 Welp, we did it.  We all made it past the first month.  Some days it felt like it went by so very fast, and other days felt like we'd never get there. 

Muppet continues to grow and thrive.  At his one month appointment he was up almost 2.5 lbs.  Which means he went from being in the 25th percentile to the 47th percentile.  And this of course makes me feel like I'm doing my job as a mom and giving him everything he needs right now.

Every time we think we've mastered some aspect of parenthood, a new wrench is thrown in.  But the first month was great at giving us time to test the waters.  And I am eternally grateful that J was able to take off the entire month. 

We both wanted an October baby, because it's one of our favorite times of year.  J loves Halloween as much as I do, and we're hoping to instill this love in Muppet from the very start by making sure he takes part in all our favorite activities.

Pumpkin Patch
One of the best parts of Halloween is going to the pumpkin patch and picking out the pumpkin, bringing it home and carving it.  J especially likes this part because I usually let him watch whatever scary movie he wants while we're carving.  This year we brought Muppet to his first pumpkin patch.

He wasn't all that impressed, as usual.


Even though we got him all dressed up in his Halloween outfit.

We were invited to a Halloween party and decided to attend kind of last minute.  J and I usually do some sort of couple's costume.  Before I got pregnant our original plan was to dress up as Inspector Gadget, Penny, and Brain.  

After we knew I was pregnant we spoke about dressing up as Rainbow Brite characters and dressing up Muppet as Twink.  But really?  When it came down to it, I pretty much decided we weren't going to dress up for Halloween since we were going to have a new baby to take care of.  Hence the seasonal skeleton suit above. 

So we tried to find something quick.  And decided that the comfort of Muppet was the most important part of the costume.  Especially when J found adult sized sleep & plays.  And so our "costume" was born.

Introduced Bottle 
The past week we decided to introduce the bottle.  Breastfeeding has been going really well.  Better than expected.  I thought it was going to be painful, but I was definitely one of the lucky ones.  Muppet didn't have any latch problems so I never had any nipple pain/soreness/bleeding.  All the same, we didn't want to mess with something that was going so well.  Pumping too early can actually have the opposite effect of what many people think and lead to supply issues - both oversupply and undersupply.  Now that breastfeeding is fairly well established we wanted to make sure Muppet will take a bottle so I don't have to be around all the time in case he gets hungry. 

At our breastfeeding course they told us the best way to introduce a bottle is for mom to be far far away.  Sometimes babies can smell mom nearby and they want the milk straight from the tap.  So I headed out for a run and left J to work out the bottle details.  

 Muppet is not picky about where his milk comes from!  There are 2 issues that sometimes come up with a breastfed baby.  The first is which bottles.  Some babies are really picky about which bottle they'll take.  It's recommended you don't buy too many of one brand, because your baby may hate it.  (We had this problem with pacifiers).  Luckily, we didn't have this problem.  We started with Dr. Brown's bottles.  And he took them like a champ.  A little too much like a champ according to J.  He was worried that Muppet was drinking too fast.  Which could cause problems later when he realized that milk doesn't come from the tap as fast as from the bottle.  So we switched to Tommee Tippees.  And Muppet had no problem taking those either.  And J likes them better, so we're using those for right now.

The other issue with breastfed babies is that milk temperature.  Once again, in our breastfeeding course the instructor advised us to attempt to give the baby the milk cold, or room temperature.  "Warm from mom, cold from dad."  Which makes a lot of sense.  That way the bottle giver doesn't have to worry about the temperature of the milk and can give it whenever the baby wants.  Apparently this doesn't work for everyone - but it sure does for Muppet.  He'll take that milk anyway he can get it.  Even straight from the fridge. 

Newborn Photos

The photographer who took our wedding pictures came down to take pictures of Muppet.  We don't have them back yet, so we'll just stick with the ones I take:

Bedtime with Dad.  J does bedtime routine with bath, story, and cuddles.

We're actually getting a lot of use out of Muppet's Halloween costume.  And it's impressive how strong he's getting.
Muppet LOVES his pack & play.  Or more specifically, the mobile.  Which isn't really mobile since you have to spin it yourself.  And he gets annoyed when it stops moving.
Changing time has gone from crying crying crying to loads of fun and smiles.  Because we have that fabulous white wall to look at.

Next Appointment: Thursday, November 3
Sleep: Still in 3 hour increments, but he's getting really great at eating and going right back to sleep so the whole thing takes 30 minutes.  That means I get 2.5 hours of sleep between feedings.

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