Sunday, November 13, 2011

6 weeks


Dr.'s Appointment
This was pretty much just a weight checkup.  Although Dr. R checked everything out and thinks Muppet looks great.  We were most pleased with his weight gain.  He was up to 9lbs 13 ounces at the appointment.  A week later we took him to a lactation boutique to pick up some stuff for me and weighed him again.  He's currently up to 10lbs, 10 ounces!

Getting Bigger
Probably the biggest news of the week is Muppet's move into "big boy" clothing.  Not super big boy, but when we brought him home from the hospital even his newborn sized clothes were swimming on him.  We thought he'd never make it to 0-3.  And last week they were too big for him.  Now they fit.

And more importantly - his newborn diapers have gotten too small, so he's moved into size 1s!  As was made more than evident when I tried to get one more day out of the newborn diapers.

Sip N See
We also hosted a "meet the baby" party so our friends could all come and meet the Muppet.

We decided on a Muppet theme, obviously.

Bright colors and lots of sugar.  Cookies, cupcakes, and a candy buffet.  We still have leftovers. 

And I had a friend make specially themed cookies for our sugar-iffic table.

We got one fabulous night where Muppet slept for a 5 hour stretch.  ANNNNND then we went back to every 3 hours.  At least I know he has it in him.

This past week Muppet has developed a definite wake up time - 5AM.  Anytime after 5AM when he wakes to eat he does not want to go back to bed.  He wants to be held and cuddled.  He'll sleep, but only if he's being held.  

And the past 2 nights he hasn't wanted to go to bed either.  He'll lie in his crib wide awake.  He stays wide awake and staring at the ceiling for a good 5 minutes before deciding he's lonely and someone should come entertain him.  This goes on for hours.

My Checkup
I had my checkup this week and passed with flying colors.  I was cleared for everything I was doing before having the baby.  And I'm definitely taking advantage of it.  I'm hitting the gym every day and increased my running mileage today to 4.5 miles.  And I definitely need to hit the gym.  I'm losing weight like crazy (thanks breastfeeding!)  but still have some extra flab in my midsection from where the baby was.  I can't wait to get it tighter!  My mom came down to watch Muppet while I went.  It was our first time leaving him completely alone.  And it went well.

J started back at work
 J went back to work and it was actually harder than I thought.  Only because I've been dealing with a fussy Muppet this week. 

J asked me to send him pictures of Muppet, so everyday I try to find something cute for him to do.

The nice thing about J returning to work is the little night time routine we have.  I look forward to it every day.

He gets home from work and it's daddy-baby time.

He takes Muppet and feeds him, bathes him, and cuddles with him for the night.

Meanwhile I go to the gym, where I now do my weekday runs (hey, it's either that or in the middle of the night after an early morning feeding).  Then I make dinner for the two of us.

This week we took J to the mechanic and to work.  Which was okay, but I definitely planned too much into that day.  I also planned a field trip to a farmer's market.  And it was the day Muppet decided to stage an "I hate the carseat" protest.  Screaming everytime he was in the carseat - all the way to the farmer's market, home from the farmer's market, on the way to pick up J from work and take him to the mechanic.....

It became our last car trip of the week.  We walked to the grocery store after that one.

But it was Veterans' Day Weekend, so J had an extra day off work AND the National Parks had free admission.  So we took Muppet to Cabrillo National Park which is one of my favorite spots in San Diego.

It was gorgeous and sunny when we left the house and picked up sandwiches to eat there.  But shortly after we arrived the sun disappeared behind the clouds and the wind picked up.  It got COLD.  And we had brought appropriate clothing for Muppet, but not J and I.  At least we're rockstars as parents even if we're not so great with ourselves.

So we made it a short outing, briefly walking the coastal cliff and jaunting by the lighthouse before packing it in against the weather.

Weight (me): -6
Weight (Muppet): +3lbs, 4 ounces
*Moved out of newborn clothing into 0-3!
*REAL smiles!

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