Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 1

First Doctor's Appointment
Weight - 7lbs (26 percentile)
Length - 20 inches (52 percentile)
Head Circumference - 13.3 cm (13 percentile)
- We obviously have a little peanut.  Long and tiny!

Dr. R says Muppet is looking good.  He still has a little jaundice, but apparently the normal amount of jaundice for a baby Muppet's age.
No shots for Muppet, but J and I both got the T-DaP.   Our arms were so sore for days after!

 Brit Milah

On Sunday, 8 days after his birth, friends and family from across the country joined us in celebrating  Muppet's Brit Milah. The bris has three main parts - the baby naming, the circumcision, and like any good Jewish ceremony - the food.

The Rabbi who married us performed the naming ceremony. Because of this we headed to my mom's house for the bris.  It was Muppet's first road trip and he slept the whole way.  He tends to do that whenever he's put in the car.  During the naming ceremony, the Rabbi spoke of my father, for whom Muppet was named. Muppet shares both my dad's first name as his middle name, as well as my dad's hebrew name.  Following the brit milah, we took Muppet over to the cemetery where my father is buried so my dad could get a chance to "meet" the baby.

After the naming ceremony, the circumcision was performed by a Mohel. Our Rabbi recommended a couple in the area. We decided not to take chances with our little boy and went with the one who is also the Associate Director of Pediatric Urology at a prominent local hospital.  Muppet was a trooper throughout the whole thing.  Don't get me wrong - he cried.  He wailed.  But as soon as the cutting stopped, so did he.  And he's been really good ever since.

After the circumcision 3 generations surrounded Muppet for a blessing. And then we ate and celebrated while all our family got the chance to meet and hold Muppet.  Again, he was an amazing sport for this and was on his best behavior all day.  No crying, just taking in everything and everyone.

Total weight gain/loss (me): +1
Total weight gain/loss (Muppet): - 3 oz
Next Appointment: Wednesday, October 12
Sleep:  I joke that I'm still getting 8 hours of sleep, it's just taking me 12 hours to get them!  I think I'm sleeping better than when pregnant.  I'm getting up about every 2 hours but when I'm asleep, I am completely out.  And I'm not getting up at 6, so I get in those extra hours I'm losing during the mornings.
Best moment this week: Having Muppet meet the family!
*First Doctor's Appointment
* Circumcision
* We've been going on daily outings.  Muppet uses this time to catch up on his beauty sleep.  At this rate, he's going to be quite the looker.

Sometimes we take him down to the trail in his stroller.  

But for errands we've been using a carrier.  J models our Pikkolo

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