Friday, April 1, 2011

13 weeks 3 days

Officially the second trimester, no matter how you count it!

So the weekend trip went well.  In terms of shopping, clothing was a bit of a disappointment, though I did manage to pick up a couple of skirts which will fit nicely under my bump whenever it gets high enough so that wearing a skirt below it isn’t obscene. 

AND I got my beloved diaper bag!  Yay!  Or rather, my mom got it for me.  I talked her out of buying clothes for the baby at a boutique, but couldn’t say no when she offered to get something for me.  I’m already a selfish mother.

Monday we went in for my first prenatal visit with my OB/GYN.  I’ve been seeing her for years, so she was so excited for me.  And she got to meet J.  She gave him a look – “How tall are you?”  and then predicted we would be having a very long baby.  I told her I was hoping it wouldn’t be a big baby too, and she said babies tend to take after their mothers.  Under 7lbs, here we come!!!!!  And she also thinks it’s completely possible that muppet could be late and make his/her arrival on October 7.

She warned me that since muppet is still small, it might take her a while to find the heartbeat with the Doppler.  Nope.  That bugger started pounding just as soon as she laid it to my skin.  My muppet is ever so cooperative.  She told me it was fast, strong, and healthy.

Wednesday I had my bloodwork done.  I was not looking forward to this due to my INTENSE FEAR OF NEEDLES.  I told the phlebotomist about my fear and that I would probably cry.  He shouldn’t take it personally.  7 vials of blood later,  (7!!!!!) and I only cried a little bit.  I had my eyes closed the whole time and the phlebotomist coached me on “almost done”  “just one vial left.”

Later that day I had my first “real pregnant girl” experience.  J was driving us home from work, when all of a sudden, I knew I was going to be sick.  I started searching frantically around the car for a bag of some sort.  Thank goodness I had brought cookies into work and had one left in an oversized ziplock.  Sorry solitary cookie, you were sacrificed for the greater good.  It’s the first (and so far only) time I have thrown up during this pregnancy.  In the car, on the freeway, while J was driving.  My mom thinks it probably had more to do with how stressed I was about the scary needles, but I still feel like I have finally joined the club.

Now that we have officially reached the second trimester, I’ve begun telling all my friends.  I freaked out my friend M on Monday.  Yesterday I emailed some other friends, including one who is on the same month board as me.  She was shocked.  Which must mean my incognito skills are incredible.  I should probably apply to be the next Mata Hari.  Tonight I tell one of my best friends, and tomorrow I tell another.  Sunday I’ll call my friend who lives on the other side of the world (or Washington D.C.).

Total weight gain/loss: +2
Next Appointment: Tuesday, April 26
Maternity clothes? Not yet.  Sticking it out with the bella band.
Stretch marks:
Sleep: I had 2 nights of good, uninterrupted sleep this week.  Which is twice as many as I have had since January!
Best moment this week: At our appointment Monday when the doctor found the heartbeat and said “the baby’s still alive!”  She was joking with me because I told her I worry between appointments.
Movement: Only my own.
Food cravings: Nothing
Food aversions: Nothing
Gender: Tell you in October!
Belly Button in or out: in – although J says it’s getting shallower.  Yes, we are those people who stick our fingers in the other person’s belly button.
What I miss: My Friday night glasses of wine.  Being able to run a 10 minute mile without huffing and puffing.
What I am looking forward to: Telling some of my besties this weekend!
Contractions: Yee gods I hope not!
- Hearing the heartbeat again.
- Getting my blood work done and out of the way.
- Telling HR at work.  Now all that’s left is my boss and my coworkers. (Yipes!)
- Throwing up.  Does this one count? It makes me feel pretty official.

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