Wednesday, April 27, 2011

17 weeks, 1 day

Two big updates this week.

1)      Completely survived a weekend with the inlaws!
It was just as terrible as I expected it to be.  (Thank goodness I’m still running so I could get away for an hour on Saturday) My pre-pregnancy gripes have doubled since becoming pregnant.  J’s parents are definitely the most inconsiderate people I’ve ever met which majorly affects me (and Muppet) now. 

First, there are 2 bathrooms in the house.  BUT the two of them can’t share a bathroom, even when guests are over.  Which means, when this pregnant lady has to go to the bathroom in the morning, I either have to hold it for an hour, or go outside in the bushes because both bathrooms are in use. 

Those of you used to eating nonstop because there is something growing inside of you?  Don’t visit my inlaws.  Father-in-law shops every day, but only for enough food for dinner that night.  That means there’s nothing to eat in their house.  Those grapes on the counter?  DON’T TOUCH THEM!  THEY’RE FOR THE SALAD!  I kid you not, at one point I was eating a lemon – not because of a craving, but because my Mother-in-law had some extra from the pie she was baking and I NEEDED FOOD!

The worst part of the trip, was telling them we wouldn’t be up for Christmas.  Every year we take time off work, drive 6-8 hours up to them, only to be ignored for the entire time.  (This year they asked J why he was staying so long.)  Anything Christmas related is planned by us, because otherwise we spend the entire time sitting in silence in the house contemplating our belly buttons.  (Father in law doesn’t like noise because he “likes to think.”)  J was nervous they’d be upset we’re not coming up.  They weren’t.  He told them we wouldn’t be making the trip with a 2 month old, but were hoping that maybe they’d come down and spend Christmas with us.  My mother-in-law didn’t seem thrilled with the idea.  “We’ll see” she told him.  Then I overheard her complaining about it to someone at the Easter potluck we went to.  So what’s the hold up?  J is blaming the fact that his parents are old and the trip will be difficult for them.  I’m not buying it because they’re going to Hawaii with friends in September – which is a much longer trip than the hour plane trip to see us.  Maybe it’s because they want to spend it with their other grandkids (who live next door)? Nope, can’t be that either.  J’s brother is ecstatic at the idea of coming down to spend Christmas with us because then he doesn’t have to worry about hosting anything.  Well, it must be the time off work, then, right?  Nope – father in law doesn’t work and mother in law already took the week off.  So basically it would seem that they just don’t really want to spend Christmas with us.  Poor J – but yay for me!

2)      My 17 week appointment!
I know.  I have a weird appointment schedule.  It has to do with having my first appointment at 9 weeks, so everything is based on 4/8 weeks after that.  I still get really nervous before appointments.  I don’t spend too much time worrying between them, but for some reason the day before, I start getting nervous that this is the appointment there’ll be something wrong.  But this one was perfect.  Perfect (note the capital P).  My weight and blood pressure were exactly spot on.  Muppet’s heartbeat is strong and healthy in the high 150s/low 160s.  I got the okay to run a half marathon in January.  I had a feeling it would be okay, but just wanted to make sure I wasn’t completely unrealistic in my goals.

Maybe the best part of the appointment was checking Muppet’s heartbeat.  I don’t feel movement incredibly often.  I’ve had two definite “Woah, did I swallow a fish?” moments, but other times I’m just not positive if that tickle is Muppet or my clothes brushing against me.  But whatever it is, all but once the feeling has been on my left side.  Which is, coincidently also where I feel the most pressure when I feel pressure.   That’s a long backstory, but there’s a point.  When the NP went to place the Doppler on my abdomen, she placed it smack dab in the middle, and …….nothing.  J started getting nervous.  I said to her “I know it sounds silly, but I think the baby hangs out on my left side.” She moved the Doppler a couple inches to my left, and…voila, that familiar whoosh whoosh sound.  Which was even better than just hearing the heart because it made me feel like I really am feeling something AND that maybe I’m a little more connected with Muppet than I feel.

Total weight gain/loss: +2
Next Appointment: Monday, May 9
Maternity clothes? I got a maternity dress for Easter since we’d be out of town and I didn’t know what would fit me, but it wasn’t really necessary.  Still wearing my regular stuff every day.
Stretch marks:
Sleep: More bad than good.  Have had 2 good nights of sleep this week.  For those of you doing the math, that make 5 nights of tossing, turning, and waking up unable to fall back asleep.
Best moment this week: An amazing appointment.  What could have gone better?
Movement: Definitely.  Just not often or consistently. 
Food cravings: Nothing
Food aversions: Nothing
Gender: Tell you in October!
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: Sleep!!!
What I am looking forward to: More movement, and I think I’ll breathe a pretty heavy sigh of relief after the anatomy scan in 2 weeks.
Contractions: Nope.  Talked to the NP about those last ones and she’s fairly certain it was related to something I ate and not baby at all.
- Movement

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